Author: Joseph Vargas

The God-given liberty values and components that founded the Western world and made it the envy of all have been under gradual suffocation for decades; unfortunately, with little or no resistance. Naïve, uninformed, and apathetic Americans have been complicit with the fox entering the hen house; resulting in the infiltration, weakening, and watering down of Christian beliefs, American values, and Republican principles.

Christians are scolded to ignore their religious values and accept behaviors that oppose their beliefs (e.g. pro-life, pro-traditional marriage). Unfortunately, in an effort to be more inclusive and not lose members, many Christians – including pastors, reverends, and priests – surrender their integrity and comply. Can you imagine any other faith being directed to ignore their values and embrace behaviors contrary to their beliefs?

In an effort to silence opposition, the U.S. is tactfully slandered as evil and racist. If America was evil and racist, millions would not risk their lives to come to America. The dilemma with the millions coming to America is that even though many are fleeing socialist corrupt countries, they have no understanding of what ruined their countries. As a result, a majority ends up ignorantly voting for the same socialist big-government policies they fled. Also, they have no understanding of a Constitutional Republic; no understanding of Capitalism; and no understanding or respect for the American way of life. Many refuse to assimilate but rather demand accommodations for their language, customs, anti-Christian religious beliefs, anti-American beliefs, and to their culture. Can you imagine Americans migrating to another country and demanding accommodations for American culture and customs?

The Preamble of the Texas Republican platform begins with, “Affirming our belief in God…” The principles throughout the Republican platform support, among other principles, the sanctity of innocent human life and traditional marriage. Yet, it is not uncommon for people who don’t share these core values to be allowed to join the Republican Party. It is also not uncommon for Republican elected officials to boldly vote against these values. The most astonishing is to find Republican voters who are silent as the values they profess to fight for are intentionally annihilated by those who claim to be on their side. Can you imagine going to the Democrat party and saying, “I want to be a Democrat, but I don’t believe in the Democrat values, and if I run for office and elected, I will vote against the values of the Democrat party platform”? Democrats wouldn’t accept it, so why do Republicans accept it?

Christianity cannot continue to embrace anti-Christians as members, ignore Biblical principles, and expect to survive as a faith. The U.S. cannot continue to accept and cave into anti-Americans and expect to survive as a society. The Republican Party cannot continue to allow those who don’t share Republican core values to join and be elected to office if it is to preserve any value and distinction to the word – Republican.

The consequences of the coordinated infiltration of Christianity, the U.S., and the Republican Party are devastating. The fox is in the hen house with permission from the hens. By the time many ask what they can do, it will be too late. Their silence and complacency will have resulted in the irreversible demise of Christianity, the U.S., and the Republican Party – and there will be nowhere else to go.

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