More and more Hispanics are scrutinizing and comparing their traditional values to the Democrat and Republican party platforms.  Hispanics are asking themselves, what values does each Party represent? How do these values align with Hispanic culture? How will these values safeguard a future of freedom and opportunity for future generations?

Most Hispanics are pro-God, pro-life, pro-traditional family, and pro-moral values. Hispanics are waking up to the fact these are not the beliefs that represent the current progressive Democrat Party. And in Texas, this will have an impact on the November gubernatorial race.

Additionally, Hispanics have keen memories and piercing historical recollections. When Hispanics hear Beto’s gun-control rhetoric, calling to disarm innocent Americans, they relive how Fidel Castro used the same gun-control rhetoric in Cuba; also in the name ‘of the greater good.’ Afterward, Castro unleashed his aggressive tyranny on a defenseless unarmed Cuba that to this day controls the inhabitants of the island.

When Hispanics hear Beto verbally attack the wealthy class with ‘pay their fair share’ language, they look back to when Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez used the same ‘class-warfare’ rhetoric; also in the name of ‘fairness.’ After taking over the wealthy class companies, Chavez placed his unskilled political sympathizers in charge of these companies. The result? Failure, tragedy, and a total collapse of Venezuela’s economy.

The open southern border is another cause for alarm. Hispanics in Texas have witnessed Beto’s silence on the devastating issues resulting from the open border. They can see beyond the deceptive claim that Democrats allow people to illegally enter the country for ‘humane’ reasons. Hispanics in Texas have witnessed Beto’s silence in regards to human trafficking, child trafficking, drug trafficking, rapes, and deaths on the southern border due to Democrat open border policies. Democrats incorrectly assume all Hispanics in Texas are in favor of illegal immigration.

It’s important to note many Hispanics fled to the United States from socialist corrupt countries – many already collapsed or in the process of collapsing due to socialist policies. For the younger Hispanic generations born in Texas, they remember the horror stories from their parents and grandparents about how socialism slowly crept into power to the point of no return in their native countries. These younger Hispanics born in Texas are extraordinarily perceptive and more conscious of the rise of tyranny; they recognize the signs of the socialist takeover of the Democrat party.

Beto’s progressive Democrat rhetoric is disturbing to Hispanic voters in Texas. Countless past generations risked their lives fleeing socialist corrupt countries to provide a better future for their children. Voting for Beto’s socialist agenda would condemn their Hispanic children and grandchildren to an age of tyranny – the same tyranny from which they fled.

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