The President of Mexico, Fidel Castro, the Sao Paulo Forum, and the Southern Border – Is there a Correlation?

Last June 2022, The U.S. hosted the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, California. This is a meeting where leaders from North America, South America, Central America, and the Caribbean come together to discuss politics.

According to their website, the purpose of the Summit of the Americas is ‘to address hemispheric challenges and opportunities including social inclusion, economic recovery, climate change, digital transformation, and democracy.’

The President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), refused to attend this year’s Summit of the Americas. The reason he gave for not attending was that the dictators from Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela were not invited to the meeting.

Why would the president of Mexico side with Marxist dictators? Perhaps the answer is in his membership to the Marxist organization – Sao Paulo Forum.

What is the Sao Paulo Forum?

The Sao Paulo Forum is a leftist Marxist organization started by Fidel Castro in 1990 to promote Marxism in Latin America and the Caribbean. It currently has members from 123 political parties in 27 countries. One political party member is MORENA, of which Mexico’s President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), is a member.

From their own website forodesaopaulo dot org:

‘The Sao Paulo Forum’s origin can be traced back to a call made by former Brazilian president Lula and Fidel Castro to all leftist parties, movements, and organizations in July 1990 to reflect upon the events in the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall and upon alternative and autonomous paths from the standpoint of the Latin American and the Caribbean left that would go beyond the traditional responses.’

It’s bewildering how so many people can ignore Fidel Castro’s crimes against humanity and blindly join an organization he established to advocate and advance his tyrannical principles.

How does this happen?

Throughout history, Marxist dictators have initially convinced people that collectivism is for their own good and that it’s the humane and fair way for the advancement of society. People are emotionally deceived to support and even help bring upon this collectivist tyrannical form of government.

And it always ends the same way – with a controlled society with no guns to fight back once full-blown tyranny is established. Fidel Castro’s Sao Paulo Forum is a preamble to establishing this type of tyranny in Latin America and the Caribbean. Yet, people forget the words of British statesman Winston Churchill who wrote, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

The President of Mexico is a member of the Marxist organization – Sao Paulo Forum. Marxists despise freedom and capitalism. Marxists divide people into social classes to create division in society. Marxists claim people are either victims or oppressors. Marxists falsely claim to be for the oppressed but always end up being the oppressors.

Perhaps this is why AMLO refuses to cooperate with the U.S. to stop illegal border crossings on the Southern border. Perhaps this is why AMLO has failed to provide a safe place to live and a strong economy to his native Mexicans. Perhaps this is why he has been unwilling to stop organized crime. Yet, despite all his failures to the people of Mexico, he hypocritically called Texas Governor Abbott’s immigration policy, ‘immoral.’ In conclusion, Mexico’s Marxist leadership should be irrelevant in creating and enforcing U.S. immigration and government policies.

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