Don’t have time for politics because you’re too busy making money and enjoying your freedom? You must not know the other side is busy using politics to legally take that money and freedom away from you.

That’s right. While you’re busy complaining, your enemy is busy organizing and voting for the candidates that will further their agenda – not yours.

Still think voting doesn’t matter? Ten years ago the current state of America would be unfathomable. Yet, here we are. And it’s only getting worse. So, ask yourself the following questions:

– What freedoms will be taken away from your children if you fail to vote for the right candidate?

– If you don’t vote, what type of people are you allowing to vote for laws YOU will be forced to obey?

– If you don’t vote, how much more are you willing to pay in taxes, inflation, and everyday expenses with the rising national debt?

If you’re in the category of people who say, “But my moral values don’t allow me to vote for Trump,” let’s talk about your moral values.

• Do your moral values allow you to stand by as Democrats promote sexual transition surgeries in children?

• Do your moral values allow you to stand by as Democrats defend nude men parading in front of children in the name of tolerance and inclusiveness?

 • Do your moral values allow you to stand by as Democrats use the legal system to take away children from parents who refuse to comply with their sexual indoctrination?

 • Do your moral values allow you to stand by as Democrats empower an open border with drugs and countless adult and child victims of rape and trafficking?

 • Do your moral values allow you to stand by as Democrats destroy your children’s future economy with out-of-control government spending, debt, and inflation?

 • Do your moral values allow you to stand by as Democrats weaponize the judicial system against American citizens?

 • Do your moral values allow you to stand by as Democrats salivate for WWIII?

Whether you choose to be politically involved or not and whether you decide to vote or not, you will still endure the consequences. Ultimately, there’s no such thing as a corrupt government, only a complacent electorate – because it takes a complacent electorate to fuel a corrupt government.

The coming election is no longer about your future. It’s about your children’s and grandchildren’s future. For this reason, voting matters, and voting for Trump definitely matters.

– Author: Joseph Vargas
Reach out to Joseph Vargas through the Minnect App here
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