During one of my presentations, a lady in the back hollered, “Are you anti-vaccine?” The room went silent.  I was familiar with this leftist technique of attempting to stump conservatives. It’s what I call a passive-aggressive question. It’s an accusation disguised as a question. It should never be responded to directly.

I replied, “I’m so pro-vaccine that I support mandating birth control vaccines to prevent unwanted pregnancies and abortions. Are you with me ma’am?”

She did not respond. So, I asked again, “Are you with me, ma’am?” She still did not respond; so, I asked, “Ma’am, are YOU anti-vaccine?” The crowd understood my point. The lady had used the phrase ‘anti-vaccine’ to push a vaccine she supported; but when I turned it around and used the same word to push a vaccine she did not support, she realized the nonsense of the phrase.

This is very similar to when Democrats argue they are the party that supports minorities. Yet, when a conservative minority is interviewed on leftist media, they’re mercilessly attacked and insulted. This is because Democrats only support minorities that share their leftist Marxist ideology. If a minority has conservative views, Democrats could care less about their minority status. And yet, their wicked hypocrisy only begins.

• Democrats celebrate Christianity being mocked at the Olympics.
• Democrats celebrate nude men dancing in front of children.
• Democrats celebrate unborn babies being vacuumed from their mothers’ wombs.
• Democrats celebrate children being chemically castrated.
• Democrats celebrate children being forced to accept the LGBTQ agenda in public schools.
• Democrats celebrate anti-Americans burning the American flag.

While many Republicans dismiss the Democrat party as ignorant for these and so many other nefarious views, this is far from the truth. And if Republicans are to have a chance at beating them, they need to understand and be able to expose this crucial fact. Democrats are not ignorant. They are evil. Their ungodly actions are not by mistake. They are by design. Democrats know exactly what they’re doing.

While many dismiss and mock DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as crazy for claiming the border is secure, calling him crazy is not stopping the millions of illegals he’s allowing to enter the country – and he knows it.

Still think Democrats are ignorant? From elected positions to appointed positions, Democrats have selected all the right people in all the right positions to facilitate their communist agenda.

  • Joe Biden was put into office to facilitate the anti-American globalist agenda.
  • Merrick Garland was put into office to protect those who implement the anti-American globalist agenda.
  • Alejandro Mayorkas was put into office to facilitate the border invasion.
  • Countless judges and elected and appointed officials have been put into office to facilitate, look the other way, or distract voters with empty rhetoric as America is destroyed from within.

It is crucial Republicans expose Democrats for what they are – evil and communist.

Don’t say, “Democrats are ignorant for thinking the border is secure. “ Instead, expose and say, “Behold how Democrats intentionally opened the border to millions – including murderers who have taken American lives – and as if that wasn’t bad enough, forced American taxpayers to pick up the bill.”

Don’t say, “Democrats are ignorant for leaving Afghanistan so unexpectedly.” Instead, expose and say, “Behold how Democrats intentionally left American weapons to the Taliban so they could later kill Americans and our allies.”

Don’t say, “The media is so dishonest.” Instead, expose and say, “Behold how the media protects and divulges the Democrats’ communist propaganda.”

Democrats don’t brand Trump as ignorant. They brand him as wicked. This is because branding someone as wicked goes deeper in the minds of voters than a minute of laughter for calling someone ignorant.

The Democrat Party Is Not Ignorant. It is Evil. There’s a difference. And it will be up to faithful Americans to expose and stop the Democrat’s communist takeover of America.

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