REAGAN opened in theaters on August 30, 2024. It’s a must-watch for the entire family. As Reagan did, the film depicts the urgency of being vigilant in guarding the America we love. The film also illustrates historical communist attempts to subvert American institutions influential to the American way of life.

The film is based on the book, ‘The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism.’ Perhaps this is why the trailer and commentary on the film have been censored online. The film outlines Reagan’s role in the Soviet Union’s fall from world power. The film also outlines the major influences throughout Reagan’s life that ultimately made him the person who became President. His mother and wife Nancy played major roles in his life.

The film makes several references to important historical events. One historical event was the communist’s attempt to take over the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) union. As president of SAG, Ronald Reagan was able to fight off and prevent this communist takeover of the union. At the time, the takeover attempt was viciously denied and dismissed as fear-mongering. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, documentation was discovered that proved the communists had indeed attempted to subvert and take over the SAG union. Actor Dennis Quaid, who plays Ronald Reagan in the film, referenced this true event in a recent interview.

With the current communist sympathizers in Hollywood, one has to ask, were the communists eventually successful in taking over Hollywood?

Another historical event referenced in the film was Korean Air Lines 007. On Thursday, September 1, 1983, during the Cold War, a Soviet fighter-interceptor shot down a Boeing 747 airline. Georgia Congressman Larry Patton McDonald, along with 268 other passengers who were on the flight perished. Four months before his death, Congressman McDonald was interviewed on CNN’s “Crossfire” with former CIA official Tom Braden and American political commentator Pat Buchanan. During the interview, Congressman McDonald blatantly called out Washington’s tyrannical group of elites.

These were two of several Cold War incidents described in the movie. Ronald Reagan’s calm character and critical thinking were crucial in his response to these and several other incidents that kept America on the verge of war with the Soviet Union in the 80’s.

The story is detailed by actor Jon Voight who plays an old Russian spy attempting to educate a young upcoming Russian political figure on how President Reagan was able to effectively counter the communist movement. The film ends with the Alzheimer’s diagnosis of President Reagan and his letter to the American people asking them to be there for Nancy when the time came for him to depart.

The film is a must-watch for the entire family. It portrays the spiritual source and reason for the American way of life. Reagan faced many of the same adversities America faces today: inflation, betrayal, subversion, and the constant threat of tyranny. The movie illustrates how today, more than ever, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

– Author: Joseph Vargas
Reach out to Joseph Vargas through the Minnect App here

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